I'm looking for a quick, snap-your-fingers proof of the following result:
A continuous length metric on $\mathbb{R}^n$ that is invariant under translations comes from a norm.
To be clear about the terminology: I'll say that a metric $d$ comes from a norm if $d(x,y) = \|x - y \|$.
I'm also looking for a reference where the following question is addressed:
Given a continuous bi-invariant length metric on a Lie group, is it true that one-parameter subgroups are geodesics and/or that the metric comes from a bi-invariant continuous Finsler metric?
Remark 1. Please pay attention to the level of generality. These things are really easy if you assume a bit more regularity than one should.
Edit: May 12, 2014. I had written earlier that I had a proof which used convolution and the action of the affine or linear group on translationn-invariant distances to regularize the metric. In fact, this approach is wrong or incomplete. It is not clear (or not true?) that the regularized metric is a length metric.
On the other hand, the OP does follow from the much, more general results of Berestovskii cited by Yves in his comment.