Let G be a finite directed graph (allowing multiple edges). We define a cycle (as usual) to be a sequence of edges $e_0, e_1, \dots, e_{n-1}$ (up to cyclic permutation) such that the terminal vertex of $e_i$ is the initial vertex of $e_{i+1}$ (indexing modulo $n$). A cycle is minimal if no vertex appears more than once among the initial vertices of the sequence.
We can assume that $G$ is strongly connected, that is, there is a directed path between any two vertices. For my purposes, we can also assume that every vertex has at least two out-going edges and at least two incoming edges (in fact, we can reduce to this).
Finally, here is the question. Does there exist such a directed graph such that for every edge $e$, whenever $D$ and $E$ are distinct minimal cycles containing $e$, there exists a third (distinct) minimal cycle $C$ with $C \subset D \cup E$ and $e$ not in $C$. [That $D \cup E$ even contains a third minimal cycle is fairly strong on its own.]
The question arises in the classification of dynamical systems on zero-dimensional spaces, and also in the (ordered) cohomology of graphs. (This requires a chain of explanations.)