I'm looking for a good book in commutative algebra, so I ask here for some advice. My ideal book should be:
More comprehensive than Atiyah–Macdonald
More readable than Matsumura (maybe better organized?)
Less thick than Eisenbud, and more to the point.
To put this in context, I'm an algebraic geometer, so I know enough commutative algebra, but I didn't study it systematically (apart from a first course on A–M which I followed as an undergraduate); rather I learned the things I needed from time to time. So I would like to give me an occasion to get a better grasp on the subject.
EDIT: I will be more specific about the level. As I said I already had a course on Atiyah–Macdonald, and I know that material well, so I'm not interested in books of a comparable level. But I'm not completely familiar with Cohen–Macaulay rings and the relationship between regular sequences and the Koszul complex for example. And I know very little of Gorenstein rings and duality. So I'm looking for something a little bit more sophisticated than what has been already proposed. Yes, I know Eisenbud does these things but it's easy to get lost in that book. Something more to the point would be nice.