In stochastic equations in infinite dimensions written by Da Prato reproducing kernel Hilbert space is defined
Let $\mu$ be a symmetric Gaussian measures on a separable Banach space $E$. A linear subspace $H \subset E$ equipped with a Hilbert norm $|\cdot|_{H}$ is said to be a reproducing kernel Hilbert space for $\mu$ if H is complete, continuously embedded in $E$ and such that for arbitrary $\varphi \in E^{\star}$, the distribution of $\varphi$ is Gaussian $\mathcal{N}(0,|\varphi|^2_{H})$, where $$|\varphi|_{H}=\sup_{|h|\leq 1, h\in H}|\varphi(h)|$$
My question is
(1) How can this definition coincide with the general definition such as
(2) What is the advantage of this defination? Is there any convenience?