
This question is motivated by an obvious formal analogy between two well-known inequalities:

Log-concavity and Brunn-Minkowski inequality

Let $\mu(dx) := m(x) dx$ be an absolutely continuous measure on $\mathbb{R}^d$, such that its density $m$ is log-concave, i.e. for all $x,y\in \mathbb{R}^d, \lambda \in [0,1]$ $$m(\lambda x + (1-\lambda) y) \ge (m(x))^\lambda (m(y))^{1-\lambda}$$ Then for all measurable $X,Y \subset \mathbb{R}^d, \lambda \in [0,1]$ $$\mu(\lambda X + (1-\lambda) Y) \ge (\mu(X))^\lambda (\mu(Y))^{1-\lambda}$$ where $X$ and $Y$ are measurable, and $\lambda X + (1-\lambda) Y$ is a properly defined measurable version of $\{\lambda x + (1 - \lambda) y \mid x \in X, y \in Y\}$.

Note that the pointwise inequality for densities may be thought of as the Brunn-Minkowski inequality for, say, small enough balls - which might be a way to get rid of the reference Lebesgue measure in the statement.

Log-supermodularity and Ahlswede-Daykin inequality

Let $L$ be a finite or countable distributive lattice, and let $\mu_1,\dots,\mu_4$ be measures on $L$, such that for all $x,y \in L$ $$ \mu_1\{x \wedge y\} \mu_2\{x \vee y\} \ge \mu_3\{x\} \mu_4\{y\}$$ Then for all $X, Y \subset L$ $$ \mu_1(X \wedge Y) \mu_2(X \vee Y) \ge \mu_3(X) \mu_4(Y) $$

So here is the question: what are the other examples of inequalities that share a similar structure? A more precise question may be: what are other classes of $n$-ary operations $f_1,\dots,f_k$ on some space $S$, such that for some fixed $\lambda_i, \kappa_j \ge 0$, $\sum_i \lambda_i = \sum_j \kappa_j$ an inequality $$(\mu(Y_1))^{\lambda_1} \dots (\mu(Y_k))^{\lambda_k} \ge (\mu(X_1))^{\kappa_1} \dots (\mu(X_n))^{\kappa_n},$$ $$Y_i := f_i(X_1,\dots,X_n), X_j \subset S$$ follows from an "infinitesimal version" of itself - i.e. for sets that are in an appropriate sense "small enough"?

P.S. As I just learned from Wikipedia, Ahlswede-Daykin inequality has a nice generalization to $2k$ measures, due independently to Aharoni & Keich and Rinott & Saks that fits into the same framework.


2 Answers 2


The question is a little vague, but you will find a lot of inequalities "that share a similar structure" to the Brunn–Minkowki inequality (or Prekopa–Leindler inequality) in the survey Barthe - The Brunn–Minkowski theorem and related geometric and functional inequalities in the ICM 2006 proceedings.


In the preprint Mixed volume and an extension of intersection theory of divisors, Kaveh and Khovanskii define an intersection index for an $n$-tuple of finite-dimensional spaces of rational functions on an irreducible $n$-dimensional complex algebraic variety. Among the properties of the intersection index they prove, there is an analog of Alexandrov–Fenchel inequality (Theorem 4.28 and Corollary 4.29).


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