We know this fact that the first jet Bundle $J^1M$ is diffeomorphic with $T^*M×\mathbb{R}$.i.e, ($J^1M=T^*M×\mathbb{R}$)
Is there something like this identity for higher jet bundle $J^kM$?
I editted my question after comment of Michael Murray
We know this fact that the first jet Bundle $J^1M$ is diffeomorphic with $T^*M×\mathbb{R}$.i.e, ($J^1M=T^*M×\mathbb{R}$)
Is there something like this identity for higher jet bundle $J^kM$?
I editted my question after comment of Michael Murray
First, note that there is a natural exact sequence of bundle maps $$ Sym^kT^*M \rightarrow J^kM \rightarrow J^{k-1}M $$ but there is no natural splitting of this sequence. You can, however, do it by choosing a Riemannian metric and defining a map $J^{k-1}M \rightarrow J^kM$ by extending a $(k-1)$-jet to the $k$-jet whose symmetrized $k$-th order covariant derivatives all vanish at the point. From this you can conclude that there exists a bundle isomorphism $$ J^kM = \mathbb{R} \oplus T^*M \oplus Sym^2T^*M \oplus\cdots \oplus Sym^kT^*M. $$ This is all explained in the algebraic geometric context in section 2.4 of these notes. My guess is that it is all explained in the book "The Geometry of Jet Bundles" by Saunders.