Could anyone provide a reference for the following (sort of) generalization of Catalan numbers: the multinomial coefficient $$ \binom{2k_1+3k_2+4k_3+...}{k_1+2k_2+3k_3+...,k_1,k_2,k_3,...} $$ is divisible by $k_1+2k_2+3k_3+...+1$.
Denoting the quotient by $C(k_1,k_2,k_3,...)$, one may call these the multiCatalan numbers. They definitely must appear somewhere in combinatorics, but I could not find any reference.
The reason I am sure these numbers must be known is that, for example: $(-1)^{k_1+k_2+...}C(k_1,k_2,...)$ is the coefficient at $x_1^{k_1}x_2^{k_2}\cdots$ of the composition inverse of the formal power series $t+x_1t^2+x_2t^3+...$;
$C(k_1,k_2,...)$ is the number of faces of the Stasheff polytope $S_{k_1+k_2+...}$ of shape $S_1^{k_1}\times S_2^{k_2}\times\cdots$ (here for convenience I have redenoted by $S_n$ the standard $K_{n+1}$; so $S_1$ is a point, $S_2$ a segment, $S_3$ a pentagon, etc.);
hence they also enumerate certain kinds of trees, etc., etc. ...