A non-crossing partition of the set $\mathbb{Z}_{mn}=\{ 1, 2,\dots,m n\}=\bigcup X_i$ is a disjoint union of sets such that
- if $ a < b \in X_1$ and $ c < d \in X_2$ then we can't have $a < c < b < d$.
If additionally I require that $x \mapsto mx$ takes $X_i \to \{0, m, 2m, \dots, (n-1)m\}$ is there a name for this kind of partition?
I'd like to know more about the limit as $n \mapsto \infty$ which I've been calling "congruent non-crossing partitions of $S^1$"
n-tuples $(X_1, \dots, X_n)$ of disjoint unions of $ S^1$
$X_1 \cup \dots \cup X_n = S^1$ and $X_i \cap X_j = \varnothing$
the map $x \mapsto nx (\mod 1)$ takes $X_i \to S^1$
Is there a name for this space? Does it now have nice cell decomposition?