In a new tensor product of complexes is defined which characterizes flatness in the category of complexes of $R$-modules. That is, a complex $F$ is flat if and only if $F\otimes -$ is exact when $\otimes$ denotes the new tensor product of complexes. Also a sequence $$0\to A\to B \to C \to 0$$ is called pure if $$0\to F\otimes A \to F \otimes B \to F\otimes C \to 0$$ is exact for each complex $F$. It is equaivalent to say that $$0\to Hom(P, A)\to Hom(P, B)\to Hom(P,C)\to 0$$ is exact for every finitely presented complex $P$.
Question: Let $\varepsilon$ be the class of all exact complexes of $R$-modules. IS $\varepsilon$ is closed under pure sub-complexes? (That is pure subcomplexes of exact complexes are exact).