Let us call a subgroup an injective homomorphism between groups.
I warn the reader that a subgroup designates here an inclusion $(H \subset G)$, not $H$ alone.
A subgroup $H \subset G$ is maximal if for all intermediate subgroups $H \subset K \subset G$, then $K=H$ or $G$.
Let $\sim$ be the equivalence of subgroups (defined here).
Note that the maximality is invariant under $\sim$.
Let $n$ be a fixed integer. For each equivalence class of index $n$ maximal subgroups, we choose a representative $(H \subset G)$ with $G$ of minimal order. Let $R_{n}$ be the set of all these representatives.
Interrelated questions :
- Does $R_{n}$ is a finite set ?
- $\forall (H \subset G) \in R_{n}$, is $ord(G)$ bounded ?
- Is $G$ always a finite group ? A counter-example ?
Original motivation: What's the list of all the maximal subgroups at index $6$ ?