I would like to understand the syzygies of the determinantal ideal $I_r$, generated by the $r\times r$ minors of a matrix $(X_{ij})$ of indeterminantes in the polynomial ring over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. The original resource for this object of study is the paper "Syzygies des variétés déterminantales" by Alain Lascoux [L]. While I would like to read it at some point, my rusty French is making it a bit cumbersome, and hence I was wondering if there were any translations of this treatment in English, possibly in some textbook. Thanks a lot in advance already.
[L] A. Lascoux, Syzygies des variétés déterminantales, Adv. Math. 30 (1978), 202–237.
Mathematical Reviews (MathSciNet): MR520233
Digital Object Identifier: doi:10.1016/0001-8708(78)90037-3