What is the maximum of the following function?:
$f(x_i,w_i)=\frac { \sum w_i}{ \sum \frac {w_i}{x_i} } - \frac{ 1 - \prod \left ( 1 - w_{i}\right )}{ 1 - \prod \left ( 1 - \frac{w_{i}}{ x_i}\right )} $
$i = 1,..,n$
$1 < w_i$
$0 < x_i < 1$
The generalization of the inequality of arithmetic and geometric means may indicate that the maximum is reached, when all $x_i$ are equal (the minuend is a weighted harmonic mean) but I haven't managed to proove it.
EDIT: The above question was badly constructed. The answer I am looking for is: For what values of $w_i$ and $x_i$, in case of any $i=1,..,n$ the following function reaches maximum.
EDIT2: I am looking for the optimum distribution of $w_i$ and $x_i$. The specific values of $w_i$ and $x_i$ are not needed. The problem needs to be solved, knowing that the minuend is a set number: $S=\frac { \sum w_i}{ \sum \frac {w_i}{x_i} }$ . So actually the question can be redefined: for given S, what is the optimum distribution of $w_i$ and $x_i$ so $f(x_i,w_i)$ reaches maximum.