
OK, then I read Frobenius method in mathworld (I learned when I took ODE 2): http://mathworld.wolfram.com/FrobeniusMethod.html

My question is: Are there any ODEs where the solution is given by full Laurent series?, i.e its negative indexed coeffecients are not zero starting from some negative integer.

Thanks in advance.


3 Answers 3


Every analytic function in a ring has a Laurent expansion. Thus if your differential equation has a solution analytic in a ring it has a Laurent expansion. See the examples given in other answers.

The difference between a full Laurent series (I understand that "full" means infinitely many coefficients in both directions) and a Frobenius series (which is infinite in only one direction) is that you cannot manipulate with a full Laurent series formally. In particular, you cannot multiply two such series: the coefficient of the product is a series, rather than a finite sum.

For this reason, the use of full Laurent series is limited. The advantage of the one-suded series is that you can substitute a formal one-sided series to the differential equation and effectively determine its coefficients (like in Frobenius method). You cannot do this with a full Laurent series.

Thus a full Laurent series solution (when exists) is usually impossible to find explicitly.


Take any two linearly independent functions analytic in an annulus and you can find a second-order linear DE that has these as a fundamental set of solutions.

  • $\begingroup$ Ok, what I meant is that if I have some nonlinear ode, like: $$y''+(y')^2+y^3=0$$ How do I know if I need to guess a Laurent series or any other solution? I mean before imposing initial conditions. $\endgroup$
    – Alan
    Commented Feb 26, 2013 at 3:19
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ You might be interested in the Painlevé property (= no mobile essential singularity) mathworld.wolfram.com/PainleveProperty.html $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 26, 2013 at 9:57

There are two related notions for linear ODEs with meromorphic coefficients that have a pole at say $z=0$. The notion of regular singular point (which means that any solution grows no faster at $0$ than $|z|^{-d}$ for some $d$) and the notion of the Fuchs condition (which means that the orders of the poles at $0$ of the meromorphic coefficients satisfy some inequalities). The growth condition implies that the Laurent expansion of any solution necessarily starts at some finite negative order (determined by $d$). According to the second link, these two conditions are equivalent. Unfortunately, I don't have a handy reference for where this is discussed in more detail.

For a non-linear equation, it's probably more difficult to figure out when a singular point is regular in the above sense.

Here's an example of an ODE with an irregular singular point at $z=0$, where the solution has a non-terminating Laurent series: $z^2 \frac{du}{dz}=u$, $u(z) = C \exp(-1/z)$.


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