I'm studying about Graph Ramsey Theory now. Starting this study, I'm reading Chvatal and Harary's series of papers. In the second paper (V.Chvatal, F.Harary, Generalized ramsey theory for graphs,Ⅲ. Small off-diagonal numbers, Pacific Journal of Mathematics 41, No.2, 1972, pp.335-345), I can't understand the proof of $r(C_4,K_4)=10$. Their proof is like following.
Let $G$ is arbitrary simple graph of order 10 with point independence number $<4$. It is sufficient to prove $G$ contains $C_4$. From $G$'s point independence number is $<4$, $G$'s (point) chromatic number is $\ge4$. Hence by Brooks' theorem either $K_4$ (and hence $C_4$) is contained in $G$, or the degree of each point of $G$ is at least four. If the first case occur, we have done. If the second case occur, we also have $C_4$ in $G$ by the following lemma (I omit the proof of this lemma but it's not so difficult).
Lemma. If a graph $G$ with $p$ points has minimum degree $d$ and $d(d-1)>p-1$, then $G$ contains $C_4$.
I can't understand how to use Brooks' Theorem. I only succeed to derive the maximum degree of $G$ is greater than 3. How to derive that the minimum degree of $G$ is greater than 3 from Brooks' Theorem? Chvatal and Harary's proof is wrong as it is? or not? (If you have other elegant proof of $r(C_4,K_4)=10$, then It also help me.)
supplementation:I got a (awkward?) proof of $r(C_4,K_4)=10$. The proof is like following.
For lower bound, we use Chvatal-Harary theorem.
For upper bound, we think about above graph $G$. Using $r(C_4,K_3)=7$, easily we have there is no vertex with degree $\le2$. By lemma, we have at least one vertex (say $u$) whose degree is 3.
Claim. The subgraph induced by vertices non-adjacent to $u$ contains $2K_3$.
The subgraph induced by vertices non-adjacent to $u$ has 6 vertices. So we have two triangles $T_1,T_2$ in this subgraph. If $T_1,T_2$ has two common vertex, we get $C_4$. If $T_1,T_2$ has only one common point, let $T_j=v_0v_1^jv_2^j$. Let $w$ be the other vertex non-adjacent to $u$. Then $v_2^1w$ isn't an edge by symmetry and avoiding $C_4$, namely $v_0v_1^1wv_2^1$. We also have edge $v_1^2w$ by avoiding 4 independent vertices $v_2^1wv_1^2u$.By symmetry, we have $C_4$, namely $v_0v_1^2wv_2^2$ and it's a contradiction.
Claim. The neighborhood subgraph $N(u)$ of $u$ is $\bar{K_3}$.
If not, the neighborhood subgraph of $u$ is an isolated vertex $v_1$ and an edge $v_2v_3$. $v_2$ and $v_3$ has at least one edge to $T_1\cup T_2$, since their degree $\ge3$. If $v_2$ and $v_3$ has edges to common triangle, we get $C_4$. So if we let $T_j=w_1^jw_2^jw_3^j$, we can assume there are edges $v_2w_1^1, v_3w_1^2$. ($v_1,v_2$ has no other edges to $T_1\cup T_2$.) Then both edges $v_1w_2^1,v_1w_3^1$ cannnot be exist. So we can assume there isn't edge $v_1w_3^1$, then we have edge $w_3^1w_1^2$, since otherwise we have 4 independent vertices $v_1v_2w_3^1w_1^2$. By symmetry, we also have edge $w_1^1w_3^2$. So we have $C_4$, $w_1^1w_3^2w_1^2w_3^1$. It's a contradiction.
Now, we have $T_j=w_1^jw_2^jw_3^j$ and 6 edges $v_iw_i^j$. Then we have edge $w_1^1w_1^2$, since otherwise $w_1^1w_1^2v_2v_3$ form 4 independent vertices. By symmetry, we have $C_4$, namely $w_1^1w_1^2w_2^2w_2^1$. It's a contradiction.