There is a universal property of pointed spaces and the smash product, in an $\infty$-categorical sense. Let $S_*$ be the $\infty$-category of pointed spaces. Then the functor $S_\ast \times S_\ast \to S_\ast$ is the unique colimit-preserving functor which satisfies $S^0 \wedge S^0 = S^0$. Since you mention spectra, this property is analogous to the characterization of the smash product of spectra as the unique functor which preserves colimits (in each variable) and such that $S^0 \wedge S^0 = S^0$ (for $S^0$ here the sphere spectrum).
One reason you should expect such a functor to a) exist and b) give an interesting symmetric monoidal structure is the following. The $\infty$-category $S_\ast$ is the free pointed $\infty$-category on an object: that is, given a pointed $\infty$-category $\mathcal{C}$ with all colimits, there is an equivalence $\mathrm{Fun}^L(S_\ast, \mathcal{C}) \simeq \mathcal{C}$ between colimit-preserving functors $S_* \to \mathcal{C}$ and objects of $\mathcal{C}$ (given by evaluation on $S^0$). This is a toy analog of the fact that $\mathrm{Fun}^L(Sp, \mathcal{C}) \simeq \mathcal{C}$ for a stable $\infty$-category $\mathcal{C}$ with all colimits: that is, spectra are the free stable $\infty$-category on one object.
In general such "free" objects tend to admit symmetric monoidal structures. Here's one way to get the monoidal structure: by the above, pointed spaces are precisely
the same thing as colimit-preserving functors $S_\ast \to S_\ast$ (i.e., any such is given by smashing with a pointed space). So the smash product of spaces comes from composing functors; in other words, the monoidal structure comes from composition on $\mathrm{Fun}^L(S_\ast, S_\ast)$. Another approach, which gives the symmetric monoidal structure, is to use Lurie's "tensor product" of presentable $\infty$-categories. I don't understand this very well, but I think the idea is that tensoring a presentable $\infty$-category with $S_*$ corresponds to taking the "pointed envelope," and so tensoring with $S_\ast$ is actually an idempotent operation on presentable $\infty$-categories.
This point of view is useful with spectra; there the point is that spectra are the free stable presentable $\infty$-category on one object. There you have to replace "pointed" with "stable" throughout.
Most of this is in Lurie's papers and his book "Higher Algebra." One upshot of this is that you can use it define the smash product of spectra, in a manner analogous to the tensor product of abelian groups.