
Question: Let $G$ be a finite group. Is it true that there is a subgroup $U$ inside some symmetric group $S_n$, such that $N(U)/U$ is isomorphic to $G$? Here $N(U)$ is the normalizer of $U$ in $S_n$.

Background: If true, this would for instance give a trivial proof of the Fried-Kollar Theorem that every finite group is the full automorphism group of a number field.

Results: If $U\le S_n$ acts regularly with respect to the natural action of $S_n$, then $N(U)/U\cong\text{Aut}(U)$. However, many finite groups are not the automorphism group of another finite group, like most cyclic groups. On the other hand, it is easy to get $N(U)/U\cong G$ for each abelian $G$ by choosing $U$ a direct product of semidirect products $C_{p_i}\rtimes C_{m_i}$ for suitable distinct primes $p_i$ and divisors $m_i$ of $p_i-1$, with the natural intransitive action of $U$ with orbit lengths $p_1, p_2,\dots$.

Added recently (answering Stefan Kohl's question from the comments): $Q_8$ is a normalizer quotient in $S_{81}$. Let $U=\mathbb F_3^4\rtimes H$ be the primitive group of degree $81$ where $H=C_5\rtimes C_8$ with $C_8$ inducing an automorphism group of order $2$ on $C_5$. Then $N_{S_{81}}(U)/U=Q_8$. This can be seen by hand, or using GAP:

gap> u:=PrimitiveGroup(81,27);;
gap> nu:=Normalizer(SymmetricGroup(81),u);;
gap> w:=nu/u;;
gap> Order(w);
gap> IsQuaternionGroup(w);

Remark 1: $N_{S_{81}}(U)$ is the semiaffine group ${A\Gamma L}_1(\mathbb F_{81})$. Remark 2: $U$ in Magma is PrimitiveGroup(81,26).

  • 17
    $\begingroup$ it would be a trivial proof of the FK theorem only if it's trivially true :) $\endgroup$
    – YCor
    Commented Jul 20, 2012 at 3:47
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Hi Peter, welcome to MO! Do you happen to know, how to get the alternating groups for $n>6$? $\endgroup$
    – j.p.
    Commented Jul 24, 2012 at 6:22
  • $\begingroup$ @jp: I haven't thought about such specific cases, because I was hoping for a general argument. However, it seem's to be more difficult than I originally expected. $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 24, 2012 at 12:18
  • 4
    $\begingroup$ It seems, for $G$ with no nontrivial decomposition as a direct or permutational wreath product, that it is equivalent to the question whether there exists $U$ transitive satisfying your requirement. Most groups do not have such decompositions, so your question is very close to the same for $U$ transitive (and probably has the same answer). Anyway, a good start would be, as jp suggests, to test some particular cases. $\endgroup$
    – YCor
    Commented Jun 12, 2013 at 18:31
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ The smallest group for which I don't quickly see how to represent it in the form $N_{S_n}(U)/U$ for some subgroup $U$ of $S_n$ is the quaternion group $Q_8$ of order $8$. -- Do you know a suitable such $U$? $\endgroup$
    – Stefan Kohl
    Commented Apr 25, 2016 at 13:27

2 Answers 2


Alexei Entin and Cindy Tsang prove a positive answer to this question in their preprint Normalizer Quotients of Symmetric Groups and Inner Holomorphs. One of the main tools is Yves de Cornulier's answer to the MO question Is every finite group the outer automorphism group of a finite group? and its subsequent variant by Benjamin Sambale.


I have come across a fairly recent result which pertains to this question. It is in this paper:

Guralnick, Robert M.; Maróti, Attila; Pyber, László, Normalizers of primitive permutation groups, Adv. Math. 310, 1017-1063 (2017). ZBL1414.20002.

An arXiv version is here. The paper examines the situation when $U$ is primitive. They show that, in all but a finite number of situations, $|N(U)/U|<n$. Indeed, they strengthen this bound if you add in a particular infinite family. The main result is this one:

Theorem: Let $U$ be a primitive subgroup of $S_n$, and let $N=N_{S_n}(U)$. Then $|N/U|< n$ unless $U$ is an affine primitive permutation group and the pair $(n, N/U)$ is one of: $$(3^4,O^−_4(2),(5^4,Sp_4(2)),(3^8,O^−_6(2)),(3^8,SO^−_6(2)),(3^8,O^+_6(2)),(3^8,SO^+_6(2)),(5^8,Sp_6(2)),(3^{16},O^−_8(2)),(3^{16},SO^−_8(2)),(3^{16},O^+_8(2)), \textrm{ or }(3^{16},SO^+_8(2)).$$ Moreover if $N/U$ is not a section of $\Gamma L_1(q)$ when $n=q$ is a prime power, then $|N/U|< n^{1/2}\log n$ for $n≥2^{14000}$.

@YCor's comment on the original question suggests that the primitivity assumption is not too onerous. It would be interesting (but probably very hard) to try and understand what might happen when $U$ is transitive and imprimitive.


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