Let $X$ be a scheme (or more generally a ringed space, if it works). Does $Qcoh(X)$, the category of quasi-coherent sheaves on $X$, admit a generating set? This would be useful, because then every cocontinuous functor on $Qcoh(X)$ has a right adjoint (SAFT).
If $X$ is affine, then $\mathcal{O}_X$ is a generator. I doubt that this is true in general. If $X$ is quasi-separated, perhaps the direct images of the $\mathcal{O}_U$, $U$ affine, do the job, but the naive proof does not work. If $Qcoh(X)$ does not have a generating set in general, what conditions on $X$ guarantee this?
EDIT: It is true when $X$ is concentrated, i.e. quasi-compact and quasi-separated, in particular when $X$ is noetherian (see Philipp's comment). This is already satisfying. Anyway, are there other (counter)examples?
PS: Note that this question is somehow unnatural with the background of this question; $\underline{Qcoh}(X)$, considered as a stack of abelian categories, always has a "stack-generator", namely $U \mapsto \mathcal{O}_U$. Nevertheless, I think the question above is interesting.