Let $(A, \Delta)$ be a compact quantum group and $\{(H_\alpha, v_\alpha)\}$ be a collection of representations of $A$. That is, $$v_\alpha \in M(B_0(H_\alpha) \otimes A); \quad \quad(\text{id}\otimes \Delta)(v_\alpha) = (v_\alpha)_{(12)}(v_\alpha)_{(13)}$$
I want to show that there is a direct sum of these representations. More precisely, put $H = \bigoplus_\alpha H_\alpha$. Then I want to show that there is a representation $v$ on $H$ such that the natural inclusion $$i_\alpha: H_\alpha \hookrightarrow H$$ is an intertwiner from $v_\alpha$ to $v$ for all $\alpha$.
Attempt: Let $A \subseteq B(K)$ be the universal GNS representation and view all the relevant multiplier algebras as bounded operators in the canonical way. Then we have $v_\alpha \in B(H_\alpha \otimes K)$ and we can form $$v:= \bigoplus_\alpha v_\alpha \in B\left(\bigoplus_i (H_i \otimes K)\right) \cong B\left(\left(\bigoplus_i H_i\right) \otimes K\right)= B(H \otimes K)$$
I managed to show that $v \in M(B_0(H) \otimes K)$. However, I am stuck at showing that $$(\text{id}\otimes \Delta)(v) = v_{(12)}v_{(13)}$$
Let $\xi =(\xi_\alpha)_\alpha \in H, \eta_1, \eta_2$. It suffices to check
$$(\text{id}\otimes \Delta)(v)(\xi \otimes \eta_1 \otimes \eta_2) = v_{(12)}v_{(13)}(\xi \otimes \eta_1 \otimes \eta_2).$$
To prove this, one might 'guess' that $$(\text{id}\otimes \Delta)(v)(\xi \otimes \eta_1 \otimes \eta_2) = ((\text{id}\otimes \Delta)(v_\alpha)(\xi_\alpha \otimes \eta_1 \otimes \eta_2))_\alpha$$
but I cannot formally prove this identity. Probably, I'm overseeing some easy trick here.