The purpose of my question is to ask about properties in a certain class of 3-dimensional (and other odd dimensional) simplicial complexes. I will first describe the construction in 3 dimension and then in general odd dimensions.
Let $n,g$ and $h$ be integers. Consider the pure simplicial complex $K(n;g,h)$ on the vertex set $[n]=\{1,2,\dots,n\}$ whose facets are described by quadruples $\{a,b,c,d\}$ such that $$b-a=g ({\rm mod}~ n)$$ and $$d-c=h ({\rm mod}~ n)$$.
Let us also consider a variant $L(n;g,h)$ where we further assume that the ordering of $\{a,b,c,d\}$ is cyclic. (Namely, $a<b<c<d$ or $b<c<d<a$ or $c<d<a<b$ or $d<a<b<c$.)
Question 1:
What can be said about the combinatorics and topology of simplicial complexes of the form $K(n;g,h)$ and $L(n;g,h)$.
Question 2:
The construction can be extended to give similar $2k-1$-dimensional simplicial complexes $K(n;g_1,g_2,\dots , g_k)$ and $L(n;g_1,g_2,\dots , g_k)$. What can be said about the combinatorics and topology of these simplicial complexes
Question 3:
Are there nice extensions to odd dimensions?
The constructions are motivated by two classes of constructions.
A) When all the $g_1$s are one this is precisely the construction of the cyclic even-dimensional polytopes.
Like them it looks that the complexes considered above (especially the $K's$ have some chance to be pseudomanifolds. Are they ever manifolds? Is there a way to give an arithmetic definition of this kind to notable odd dimensional triangulations like the 6-vertex RP^2 or Kuhnel's CP_2.
B) There is a remarkable simple arithmetic constructions of acyclic complexes by Linial, Meshulam and Rosenthal (see this paper and this post). In dimension 2 you consider all triples $a,b,c$ modulo $n$ ($n$ a prime) such that $a+b+c$ equals one of three numbers $x,y,z$.