Let $X$ denote an algebraic scheme over $\operatorname{Spec} k$ such that its deformation functor $\operatorname{Def}_X$ has a semi-universal couple $(R,u)$, where $R$ is an Artinian $k$-algebra and $u \in \operatorname{Def}_X(R)$.
On pg. 91 of the book "Deformations of algebraic schemes" by E. Sernesi the following automorphism functor is introduced
$$ \operatorname{Aut}_u: \mathcal{A}_R \to \operatorname{Set} $$
$$ \operatorname{Aut}_u(A) = \text{the group of automorphisms of the deformations} \ \mathcal{X}_A$$
My question concerns the following proposition:
$\textbf{Proposition 2.6.2} $ If $X$ is projective, then $\operatorname{Aut}_u$ has $H^0(X,T_X)$ as tangent space.
The proof of the proposition concludes (Eqn 2.29, pg. 92) with the claim that $$Aut_u(k[\epsilon]) \cong H^0(X, T_X).$$
However, $k[\epsilon]$ does not have a natural $R$-algebra structure so writing $Aut_u(k[\epsilon])$ doesn't really make sense.
What did Sernesi mean when he wrote this?