In Demailly's Complex Analytic and Differential Geometry page 139:
He said the trivial (zero) extension of the positive current $T$ (on $X\setminus E$), which denoted by $\tilde T$ is always positive on $X$. It seems like quite obvious, but I came across some obstacle when verifying that claim.
Notice that a current $T\in\mathcal D^{'}_{p,p}(X)$ is said to be positive if $\langle T, u\rangle\geqslant 0$ for all test forms $u\in\mathcal D_{p,p}(X)$ that are strongly positive at each point.Another way of stating the definition is:
$T$ is positive if and only if $T \wedge u \in \mathcal D_{0,0}^{'}(X)$ is a positive measure for all strongly positive forms $u \in\mathcal C_{p,p} ^{\infty}(X)$.
This is so because a distribution $S\in\mathcal D^{'}(X)$ such that $S(f)\geqslant 0$ for every non-negtive function $f\in\mathcal D (X)$ is a positive measure.
Here is my thought:
First, select arbitrary $u \in\mathcal C_{p,p} ^{\infty}(X)$, we have $u \in\mathcal C_{p,p} ^{\infty}(X\setminus E)$, then we would like to show that
$$\langle \tilde T\wedge u,f\rangle=\langle T\wedge u,f\rangle\geqslant 0, \qquad f\in\mathcal D(X),$$
due to the construction of $\tilde T$. However, supp $(f)\cap (X\setminus E)$ isn't compact in $X\setminus E$. Then, how can I infer LHS is non-negative?
Any help and suggestion are appreciated. Thanks a lot!