- A Polish group is a topological group $G$ that is homeomorphic to a separable complete metric space.
- A group $G$ has no small subgroups if there exists a neighborhood $U$ of the identity that contains no nontrivial subgroup of $G$.
Example. All finite dimensional Lie groups with a countable number of components are Polish groups, and it is well-known (see here) that a Lie group $G$ has no small subgroups. (Note that the proof of this fact crucially relies on the exponential map.)
I am interested in understanding when certain Polish groups will have no small subgroups. In particular, I have two questions.
Question 1. Are there examples of non-locally compact Polish groups which have no small subgroups? Edit. YCor has provided an example in the comments of such a group.
Question 2. If the answer to Question 1 is yes, are there conditions on a non-locally compact Polish group which ensure that it has no small subgroups?
Note. Due to results of Gleason and Montgomery--Zippin, a locally compact group with no small subgroups is a Lie group.
Edit. Since Question 2 is a bit too vague, I wanted to ask a follow up question, which is more precise.
Question 3. Is it true that every non-locally compact, non-abelian, pro-discrete, Polish group has no small subgroups?
Example. An example of such a group appears in the study of tempered etale covers of $K$-analytic curves of genus $g \geq 2$ where $K$ is a $p$-adic field (see Lemma 2.1.5 and Proposition 2.1.7 of Andre’s Period mappings and differential equations. From $\mathbb{C}$ to $\mathbb{C}_p$ and Theorem 2.1 of Lepage Tempered fundamental group and metric group of Mumford curve).
Thanks in advance for the help!