For each $n\geq1$, consider a special tree with $2n+1$ nodes which are assigned values $a_i$ from the set $\{0,0,1,2,3,\dots,2n-1\}$. Only $0$ can be a repeated assignment.
The edges are only the ones connecting $a_{2i}$ to $a_{2i+2}$ and $a_{2i+1}$ to $a_{2i+2}$. Then, the edge connecting $x$ and $y$ has weight $x+y$.
Here are some figures for an illustrative purpose for the special trees we focus on.
GOAL: Make the edge-weights $a_i+a_j$ mutually distinct modulo $2n$.
Example: if $2n+1=3$ then $a_0=a_2=0, a_1=1$ works, mod $2$.
Example: if $2n+1=5$ then $a_0=a_3=0, a_1=1, a_2=3, a_4=2$, mod $4$.
QUESTION. Is it always possible to real the above goal?