Let $V$ be a vector space over $\mathbb{R}$. An element $s \in GL(V)$ is a reflection if $H_s:=\ker(s-1)$ is a hyperplane and $s^2=1$. The eigenvalues of a reflection $s$ are $1, -1$. Every reflection $s$ can be written as $s(x) = x - \alpha_s(x)v_s$ for some linear form $\alpha_s \in V^*$ and $v_s \in V$. One has $\ker \alpha_s = H_s = \ker(s-1)$. The vector $v_s$ is an eigenvector of $s$ for the eigenvalue $-1$ if $\alpha_s(v_s)=2$.
Let $W$ be a finite Coxeter group acting as a reflection group on a Euclidean space $V$. The reflection length $\ell_R(w)$ of $w \in W$ is the minimal integer $m$ such that $w=r_1 \ldots r_m$, where $r_i$ are reflections in $W$.
The reflection length of $w \in W$ is $\ell_R(w) = \dim(\text{Im}(1-w))$.
Are there some references which describe the elements in a Coxeter group which have the longest reflection length? Thank you very much.