Let $c_1,\dots,c_k$ be some non-zero complex numbers and $M$ be the abelian subgroup generated by $c_1,\dots,c_k$ (i.e. all $\mathbb{Z}$-linear combinations of $c_1\dots,c_k$). Suppose further that $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are complex numbers such that $\alpha^n=\beta^m=1$ for some positive integers $m$ and $n$ and $\alpha M=\beta M=M$. So $M$ is a $\mathbb{Z}[\alpha,\beta]$-module, where $R=\mathbb{Z}[\alpha,\beta]$ is the subring generated by $\alpha,\beta$ in the complex field $\mathbb{C}$, i.e. all $\mathbb{Z}$-linear combinations of $\alpha^i \beta ^j$ for all $i=0,1,\dots,n-1$, $j=0,1,\dots,m-1$.
Is there a non-zero $R$-homomorphism from $M$ to $R$? If the answer is negative, what if $\alpha=\beta$?