Hi everyone,
I was wondering is there were some known applications of MCMC methods for simulating the law of the sum ( or alternatively the joint law) of the order statistics of a multinomial (centered) gaussian vector with given full rank covariation matrix of large dimension.
For example let's be given such a vector $N\to \mathcal{N}(0,\Gamma)$ with $\Gamma$ a full rank matrix of dimenson $P$.
If I want to get the law of the sum of the $k< P $ first order statisitics $S_{(k)}=\sum_{i=1}^k N_{(i)}$, I can simulate $N$ via Monte Carlo but the thing is that it is very time consumming as I have to simulate the $P$ components of the vector $N$.
My Question : Is there a way in this specific case to get a Markov Chain of dimension $k$ that can be shown to converge to the stationary distribution of the joint law of $S_{(k)}$ ?
So I can get the law of the sum.
Or alternatively (even better) is there a way to find a chain of dimension 1 converging directly to the law of the sum of the first $k$ order statistics ?
Then using this "way", Ithink that I can gain some huge amount of computation time vis-à-vis the naive Monte Carlo method.
Best Regards
PS: As far as I know there is no analytcal formula for the law of $S_{(k)}$ for general gaussian vector.