In the first chapter of W. Casselman's unpublished notes on representation theory, there is at least one stated result which is not true:
A counterexample to this last result is given in the question here. Besides Casselman's notes, I have never seen any claim of such an isomorphism for an arbitrary double coset $P_{\Theta}wP_{\Omega}$ for parabolic subgroups. Of course such an isomorphism is known when $\Theta = \Omega= \emptyset$.
There is also the result here which I have never seen anywhere else, relating length to elementary conjugation:
The proof does not seem to come as easily as it is claimed, and I am starting to think it is not true.
The later chapters rely on some of these very carefully stated results. I want to convince myself that the important results in Casselman's notes are properly justified. Is there a known list of errata for Casselman's notes? Or another reference which carefully goes through the same things?