Here I ask a question concerning the diophantine equations $$x^n+n=y^m \quad \ \text{with}\ m,n,x,y\in\{2,3,\ldots\},\tag{1}$$ and $$x^n-n=y^m \quad \ \text{with}\ m,n,x,y\in\{2,3,\ldots\}.\tag{2}$$
QUESTION: Besides the two solutions $$5^2+2=3^3\quad\text{and}\quad{5^3+3=2^7},\tag{3}$$ does the equation $(1)$ have other solutions? Besides the two solutions $$2^5-5=3^3\quad\text{and}\quad{2^7-7=11^2},\tag{4}$$ does the equation $(2)$ have other solutions?
Actually I formulated this question in 2013, and conjectured that the equation $(1)$ only has two solutions as stated in $(3)$ and the equation $(2)$ only has two solutions as stated in $(4)$. See my preprint
The equations $(1)$ and $(2)$ are similar to Catalan's equation $x^n-y^m=1$ with $m,n,x,y\in\{2,3,\ldots\}$. Any helpful ideas concerning my question?