I have read that people think of a site as a presentation of the corresponding sheaf topos. For instance, on page 7 of this text by Caramello: as Grothendieck observed himself, a site of definition for a given topos can be seen as a sort of presentation of it by generators and relations (one can think of the objects of the category underlying the site as defining the generators, and of the arrows and covering sieves as defining the relations).
Now, for presentations of monoids (or groups), Tietze transformations are a very powerful tool. Namely, any two presentations of a given monoid can be related by a sequence of the following transformations:
add or remove a definable generator,
add or remove a derivable relation.
(You can think of finite presentations, although larger ones can be handled by considering transfinite sequences of transformations).
Thus my question: are there similar "Tietze transformations" on sites, such that any two sites having equivalent categories of sheaves can be related by Tietze transformations?