Whilst trying to understand the answer of Loren, I finally came up with an elementary explanation (no need for Steinberg’s result). Since it also gives another picture of the situation, I think it’s worth writing.
Let $G$ and $G^*$ be algebraic groups over $F$ as in the question. Let $K$ be a finite Galois extension of $F$ splitting those groups, and let $G_0\cong G_K\cong (G^*)_K$ be the corresponding split group over $K$. Let $\varphi \colon G_0\to (G^*)_{K}$ and $\psi \colon G_0\to (G)_{K}$ be the given isomorphisms. With those notations, $G^*$ (respectively $G$) is obtained from $G_0$ by twisting against the cocycle $A_{\sigma} = \varphi^{-1}(^{\sigma}\varphi ) $ (respectively $B_{\sigma} = \psi^{-1}(^{\sigma}\psi )$), where $\sigma \in \Gamma = $Gal$(K/F)$.
We can prove that $Z(G^*)$ and $Z(G)$ are isomorphic over $F$. Indeed, they are both $K/F$ forms of $Z(G_0)$, where the twisting has values in Aut $G_0 \cong G_0/Z(G_0)\rtimes $Out $G_0$. Hence, $Z(G^*)$ and $Z(G)$ only depends on the image of $A_{\sigma}$ and $B_{\sigma}$ under $H^1(\Gamma ,\text{Aut }G_0))\to H^1(\Gamma ,\text{Out }G_0) $. But those images are cohomologous because $G$ and $G^*$ are inner forms.
Going further, let $S$ (resp. $S^*$) be a maximal $F$-split torus in $G$ (resp. $G^*$), and let $T$ (resp. $T^*$) be a maximal $F$-torus containing it. The next claim is that $ \text{rk}_F T/Z(G)\leq \text{rk}_F T^*/Z(G^*)$. Indeed, since $G/Z(G)$ and $G^*/Z(G^*)$ are inner forms of each others, the so called $*$-action on their Dynkin diagram is the same. Hence $T/Z(G)$ cannot have more characters defined over $F$ than $T^*/Z(G^*)$. Also note that $\text{rk}_F T/Z(G) = \text{rk}_F T^*/Z(G^*)$ iff $G/Z(G)$ is quasi-split, which in turn is equivalent to $G/Z(G)\cong G^*/Z(G^*)$ by uniqueness of quasi-split forms in an inner class.
To prove the two last sentences of the previous paragraph, we can assume that the groups are adjoint simple. Also, since Weil restriction is encoded in the $*$-action, we have $G=R_{F'/F}(G')$ and $G^* = R_{F'/F}({G^*}')$ for some unique absolutely simple $G'$ and ${G^*}'$ that are also inner forms of each other, so we can even assume that the groups are adjoint absolutely simple.
Hence, we are looking at a single Dynkin diagram with a $*$-action. Now conlcude by observing that the rank of $G^*$ is the number of orbits of the Dynkin diagram, and that the rank of $G$ is the number of orbits such that the corresponding invariant character of $T$ restricts to a non-trivial character of $S$. In terms of Tits index, this is just saying that for a quasi-split groups, all orbits are circled, while for an inner form of it, you add some anisotropicity, so that some orbits are not circled anymore. For the relation with quasi-splitness, recall that the group is quasi-split iff all orbits of the $*$-action are circled in the index.
Finally, the inequality $\text{rk}_F G\leq \text{rk}_F G^*$ holds because given an exact sequence of diagonalizable $F$-groups $1\to A\to B\to C\to 1$, $\text{rk}_F(B) = \text{rk}_F(A) + \text{rk}_F(C)$. In case of equality, as noted before, $G/Z(G)$ is quasi-split, hence so is $G^{der}$. Thus $G^{der}\cong (G^*)^{der}$, so that $G\cong G^*$, because a connected reductive group $H$ is reconstructed from the triple $(H^{der},Z(H),Z(H^{der})\hookrightarrow Z(H))$.