I am wondering if it is possible to have a bimonad on $\mathsf{Set}$ that preserves equalizers on both sides? What about a bimonad that is exact? Can you give an example?
Let me try to explain what I mean by preserving equalizers on both sides. One of the reasons I am interested in Bimonads, is that I think they may be internal categories in an endofunctor category on Set. Have a look at this post.
I want to interpret the monoidal product $\otimes$ as functor composition. In the link, they require that the monoidal product preserve equalizers on both sides. This means that we want the functor composition to preserve equalizers. I am not actually sure what it would mean for the functor composition to preserve equalizers.
A bimonad is a monad that is a comonad, and these interact according to a mixed distributive law, as described by Mesablishvili and Wisbauer here.