This can be seen as a follow up my question here:
Is there a notion of "fibered category with boxproducts"?
Given a monoidal fibration $f:E\rightarrow B$ (i.e. a strict monoidal functor between monoidal categories which is a fibration of ordianary categories) where the base is a cartesian monoidal category endowed with a grothendieck topology. What are the right conditions for such a fibration be called a stack?
I guess it is not enough to ask that $E(X)\rightarrow Desc(X,U)$ is an equivalence of ordinary categories. Insted one should need some further condition that ensures the following:
"if $(\phi_i)$ can be glued to $\phi$ and $(\psi_j)$ can be glued to $\psi$ than $(\phi_i\boxtimes \psi_j)$ can be glued to $\phi\boxtimes \psi$"
Does this notion exist yet? What would be the right condition?
Examples I have in mind are
$B$=geometric objects for example smooth varieties and
$E$=sheaves for example $\mathcal{D}_X$-modules