Has the Robinson-Schensted correspondence, as explained by Wikipedia or Richard Stanley, been implemented in any of the standard programming languages. I'm using Python, but I'm open to Java, C++, Mathematica, Matlab. On paper, the bumping is not so bad - I think 1364752 gives you a v-shaped tableau - but coding the algorithm may require linked lists.
The regular representation of a finite group can be decomposed into a direct sum of all the irreducible representations of G. The basis of the right-regular representation is the elements $g \in G$ and the group action is $\rho_g(h) = hg$. Then every irreducible representation appears in the sum with multiplicity equal to its dimension $$ |G| = \sum_{\pi \in \text{Irr(G)}} (\dim \pi )^2$$ When G = S(n), the permutation group on n elements, the irreducible representations are indexed by Young-diagrams with n boxes and |G| = n!
The Robinson-Schensted correspondence takes this literally and bijectively takes in a permutation and spits out two pairs of (standard?) Young tableaux filled with numbers 1 thru n of the same shape.