Consider an $E_n$-monoid X. We can deloop $X$ to an $\infty$-category $\mathbf{B}X$. There's a natural functor $X^\circlearrowleft : \mathbf{B}X \rightarrow \text{Spc}$ given by the left action of $X$ on itself (essentially just the corepresented functor of the base point). Consider the unstraigthening of the functor $X^\circlearrowleft \times X^\circlearrowleft$, and call the corresponding left fibration $\mathbf{G} X \rightarrow \mathbf{B} X$. In recent work with Ramzi, we show that $| \mathbf{G} X | \cong X^{gp}$ provided that $n \geq 2$, i.e. the realization of $\mathbf{G} X$ computes the group completion.
The punchline is the following: If $S$ is a symmetric monoidal groupoid I can consider $S$ as an $E_\infty$-monoid. Then the homotopy category of the $\infty$-category $\mathbf{G} S$ is just Quillen's $S^{-1} S$. The assumption that Quillen introduces to show that $|S^{-1} S|$ actually computes the group completion, namely that $k+ : \text{Aut}(s) \rightarrow \text{Aut}(k+s)$ is injective for all $s, k \in S$, simply guarantees that $\mathbf{G} S$ is actually a $1$-category, i.e. equivalent to $S^{-1} S$.
A few remarks: There does exist an "inverse" functor $j : \mathbf{G} X \rightarrow \mathbf{G} X$, which becomes the inverse map after realization, and there do exist arrows $1 \rightarrow x \otimes j(x)$ for each $x \in \mathbf{G} X$. The problem that Thomason highlights is that these arrows are not part of a natural transformation.
Now, I'd argue that Quillen's $S^{-1}S$ should probably be replaced by the $\infty$-category $\mathbf{G} S$ for a general symmetric monoidal groupoid $S$. However, I'd still be doubtful that $\mathbf{G}$ becomes a natural left adjoint, since we haven't really considered the natural structure that $\mathbf{G} S$ has. To understand this, note that if we start with an $E_n$-monoid $X$, the $\infty$-category $\mathbf{G} X$ is only $E_{n-1}$-monoidal. So we have lost an $E_1$-structure along the way. (The same holds for Quillen's $S^{-1} S$. This problem is of course not immediately visible in the symmetric monoidal = $E_\infty$-case, but highlights one of the subtleties with the $S^{-1} S$ construction)
The extra structure is captured by the following: Consider the left fibration $\mathbf{E} X \rightarrow \mathbf{B} X$ which is the unstraightening of $X^\circlearrowleft$. Take the Cech nerve $G_\bullet(X)$ of the functor $\mathbf{E} X \rightarrow \mathbf{B} X$. This is automatically an internal groupoid in $E_{n-1}$-monoidal $\infty$-categories, with $G_1(X) = \mathbf{G}X$. We can also show that the realization of the simplicial object $G_\bullet(X)$ is equivalent to $\Omega B X$. I would be more hopeful to the claim that $G_\bullet(-)$ satisfies a universal property as a functor from $E_n$-monoids to internal groupoids in $E_{n-1}$-monoidal $\infty$-categories.