Yes, that claim in the post is wrong, and you are correct to object. What is true — and I was very surprised to learn this — is that in the free Boolean algebra on a countably infinite set of generators, every subset of the generators has a least upper bound.
This is not to say that the Boolean algebra is complete, since it is easy to see that it is not: the free Boolean algebra on a countable set of generators is countably infinite, since every element is represented by a term, but no countably infinite Boolean algebra is complete, since it must have an infinite antichain, and all subsets of an antichain must have distinct least upper bounds when they exist. So if it were complete, it would have to have size continuum.
In the free Boolean algebra on generators $p_0,\ p_1,\ldots$, the "disjointified" collection $p_0,\ p_1\wedge\neg p_0,\ p_2\wedge\neg(p_0\vee p_1),\ldots$ is an infinite (maximal) antichain. One can prove that a subset of this antichain has a least upper bound in the free algebra just in case it is finite or cofinite.
Nevertheless, to stress the point, every subset of the generating set itself does have a least upper bound.
Theorem. If $B$ is the free Boolean algebra on a set
of generators $Y$, then every subset of $Y$ has a least upper bound
in $B$. Furthermore, the infinite subsets of $Y$ all have least
upper bound $1$.
One can begin to see the latter claim intuitively, if you should merely try to imagine what would be the least upper bound of a infinite subset of $Y$ that, say, contains all the variables except some $p$. There is no natural candidate, other than $1$ itself; note that $\neg p$ is not an upper bound of the other variables, since variables are not disjoint in the free Boolean algebra.
Proof. Clearly, any finite subset $X\subset Y$ has a least
upper bound, which is simply the finite disjunction of the elements
of the set $\bigvee_{p\in X} p$.
Suppose now that $X\subset Y$ is infinite. (This argument was noticed also by user მამუკა ჯიბლაძე in the comments.) Clearly $1$ is an upper
bound of $X$; what we need to show is that there is no smaller
upper bound. Suppose that $u<1$ is an element of $B$. Using the
term algebra, we know that every element of $B$ is represented as a
term using finitely many variables of $Y$. Fix such a term, and let
$p$ be some element of $X$ not appearing in that term. Since $u<1$ and
$p$ does not appear in the term for $u$, I claim that there is a homomorphism
sending $u$ to $0$ and $p$ to $1$. To see this, we merely need to
settle the values of the variables appearing in the term for $u$ in
such a way that $u$ becomes $0$, and this is determined by settling the values of the variables appearing in that term, and we can independently send $p$
to $1$ by freeness. Since homomorphisms preserve order, it
cannot be that $p\leq u$. So we have shown that no element of $B$ other than $1$ is an upper bound of $X$, and so the least upper bound of $X$ is $1$.
An alternative argument was suggested in the comments by Andreas Blass: if $X\subset Y$ is infinite with upper bound $u$, let $p$ be variable of $X$ not used the term representing $u$. By freeness, there is an automorphism of the Boolean algebra sending $p$ to $\neg p$ and fixing all other variables and therefore also fixing $u$. Since $p\leq u$, it follows by applying the automorphism that also $(\neg p)\leq u$. Since $1=p\vee\neg p$, this means $u=1$.
Meanwhile, if instead of the free algebra one has the Boolean algebra generated by an infinite set of atoms, then something closer to the claim is true:
Theorem. If $B$ is the Boolean algebra generated by an infinite set of atoms $Y$, then the subsets of $Y$ with a least upper bound in $B$ are exactly the finite or co-finite subsets of $Y$.
Proof. It is not difficult to see that the Boolean algebra $B$ is isomorphic to the set of finite and co-finite subsets of $Y$, with the usual set-theoretic operations. If $X\subset Y$ is infinite and co-infinite, therefore, then clearly no finite or co-finite set can be a least upper bound of $X$.QED