Given a d-dimensional polytope P with n points, then what is the minimum number of simplices that are spanned by vertices of P? This question led my research to matroids and so my question is: what is the minimum number of bases af a matroid, that comes from a fulldimensional convex set with n vertices in dimension d? Here you have to think of affine independence or linear independence in the projective plane in dimension d+.
The upper bound is obviously $n \choose d+1$, but the lower bound seems to be quite hard.
My theory is, that it should be bounded by $n-d+2 \choose 3$. This refers to a (n-d+2)-gon in a 2-dimensional subspace and the other vertices spanning the other d-2 dimensions. But until now i couldn't find a proof. As I do not know a lot about matroids i hope that in terms of matroids this turns out to be easier, than in terms of polytopes.