My question is regarding the lemma on page 81 of the book by Griffiths and Harris.
The lemma says the following: A $\bar{\partial}$-closed form $\psi\in Z^{p,q}_{\bar{\partial}}(M)$ is of minimal norm in $\psi + \bar{\partial} A^{p,q-1}(M)$ iff $\bar{\partial}^* \psi = 0 $.
Now in the first direction of the equivalence they take $\eta \in A^{p,q-1}(M)$ s.t $\bar{\partial} \eta = 0$; and then they calculate $\| \psi + \bar{\partial}\eta \|^2$; somewhere along the calculations they get because that $\bar{\partial}^* \psi = 0$ that $$\| \psi + \bar{\partial} \eta \|^2 = \| \psi \|^2 + \| \bar{\partial}\eta\|^2 > \|\psi \|^2$$
But obviously if $\bar{\partial} \eta = 0$ then also $\| \bar{\partial} \eta \|^2 = 0 $; Am I missing something here?
I am asking here and not in MSE since its an advanced graduate book, I have slim chances of getting answers over there.