I'm wondering if there's any general technique that gives the total variation distance between a distribution on $\mathbb{R}^n$ and $N(0, I_n)$.
My understanding is that Stein's method gives only Wasserstein distance in higher dimension because the characterization of multivariate Gaussian is a second-order differential equation (while it is a first-order differential equation in one-dimensional case) so more regularity is required on test functions and thus it yields a weaker distance. And I understand that it is possible to improve Wasserstein distance to total variation distance if the distribution is log-concave.
What is the usual way to handle the total variation distance to multivariate Gaussian? I'm primarily interested in approximating $N(0,I_n)$ but the approximating distribution is not necessarily log-concave. Perhaps there's some easy way for this special case? Or is there any impossibility result?