Florin Soucaliuc published the following research announcement in 2002 containing some results from his thesis on reflected diffusion processes:
[1] F. Soucaliuc, Réflexion entre deux diffusions conjuguées. [Reflection between two conjugate diffusions] C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 334 (2002), no. 12, 1119–1124. Journal Link
I have been unable to find a followup paper containing full proofs or to access the thesis:
[2] F. Soucaliuc, Réflexion, coalescence et retournement du temps pour certaines familles de diffusions, Thèse de doctorat, Université Paris-Sud, 2001.
as it appears to be available in two libraries in Paris.
Does a followup paper containing proofs to [1] exist anywhere, or is there a copy of [2] in .pdf?