Let $g_S$ be a Riemannian metric on the $n$-dimensional sphere $S^{n}$ and consider the space $M=(0,a)\times S^{n}$ with the warped metric $g=dt^2+f(t)^2g_S$, where $f\colon [0,a)\to \mathbb{R}$ is a smooth function such that $$ f(0)=0\,,\quad f(t) >0\quad t\in (0,a)\,. $$ I would like to understand which are the assumptions on $f$ in order to add a point $O$ to $M$ such that the geodesic balls centered at $O$ are the slices $\{t\}\times S^{n}$.
This fact occurs for instance if $M$ is a space form and $O$ is the origin.