I would like to know if there is a reference for the fact that the following diagram commutes: $$ \begin{array}{ccccccccc} 0 & \to & H_*(X) \otimes H_*(Y) & \to & H_*(X\times Y) & \to & \mathrm{Tor}_1^{\mathbb Z}(H_*(X),H_*(Y)) & \to & 0 \\ && \downarrow && \downarrow && \downarrow & \\ 0 & \to & H_*(Y) \otimes H_*(X) & \to & H_*(Y\times X) & \to & \mathrm{Tor}_1^{\mathbb Z}(H_*(Y),H_*(X)) & \to & 0, \\ \end{array} $$ where both rows are from the Künneth formula (essentially copied from Wikipedia), and the vertical arrows are the natural isomorphisms obtained by flipping the factors.
$H_*$ means singular homology - but actually this part isn't so important; a reference for a version with any homology or cohomology theory is all I want, provided that it is not one where the Tor term trivially vanishes.
I have a proof for K-theory (in fact, C*-algebra K-theory) but I imagine that it is not the first proof.