The Lovasz Local Lemma has several generalizations, with names usually starting with L, such as Lopsided or Lefthanded. Here I ask whether another possible generalization (for which I could not yet find a name starting with L) holds or not.
Suppose that for some events $\mathbf A$ we have a dependency graph and an assignment $x$ that is degenerate in the sense that $\exists A \in \mathbf A$ such that $\Pr[A] \;\leqslant\; x(A) \prod_{B \in \Gamma(A)} (1-x(B))$ and after deleting $A$ we again have another such event from $\mathbf A\setminus \{A\}$ etc. In other words, I want that the events can be ordered such that $$\Pr[A] \;\leqslant\; x(A) \prod_{\substack{B \in \Gamma(A)\\ B<A}} (1-x(B)).$$
Is this sufficient to guarantee that we can avoid all events?
ps. I don't care about the exact formula, it might hold only with some weaker inequality, that is also OK.