Let $A$ be a symmetric matrix and $A_i$ be the matrix obtained from $A$ by dropping the $i^{th}$ row and column. Then what are some good bounds on the value of $\frac{det(A_i)}{det(A)}$ ?
Using the fact that the eigenvalues of these two matrices interlace each other I can say that, $\frac{1}{\lambda_{max} (A) } \leq \frac{det(A_i)}{det(A)} \leq \frac{1}{\lambda_{min} (A) }$
Can this be bettered? Feel free to assume something more about $A$ if you need!
I was wondering if one can somehow use the inequality that $\vert det (B) \vert \leq \prod_{i=1}^{i=dim(B)} \vert column_i (B) \vert _{l^2}$