I am trying to understand the relationship between the Kostant partition function and the Haar measure. Both seem to involve the Vandermonde determinant:
$$ \Delta(\theta) = \prod_{i< j} |e^{i\theta_i} - e^{i\theta_j}|$$
According to question: Explicit computations using the Haar measure integrating over the Unitary group seems to involve integrals with Vandermonde determinant in the numerator,
$$ \langle f \rangle_1 = \int_{[0,2\pi]^n} d\theta_1\dots d\theta_n \;\Delta (\theta)^2 f(\theta)$$
while Kostant partition function seems to involve Vandermonde determinant in the demominator:
$$ \langle f \rangle_1 = \int_{[0,2\pi]^n} d\theta_1\dots d\theta_n \;\Delta (\theta)^{-2} f(\theta)$$
Is there a name for this second measure? These notes suggest the Weyl denominator and Kostant partition function are reciprocal.