Throughout, "function" means "total function."
The answer is no! In fact, there are nonzero Turing degrees which only compute functions which are bounded by some computable function. Such degrees are called "hyperimmune-free", or (more understandably) "computably bounded." See "The degrees of hyperimmune sets" by Martin and Miller (;jsessionid=E405B74AF3BACA6B19A8C2AB89A2B18F.f01t04?v=1&t=i2rw976w&s=b6a32a82943c14873f71c5872ff6a63cf96db9a8). And, of course, this relativizes nicely: for every degree $d$, there is a degree $e>_Td$ such that every function in $e$ is dominated by some function in $d$.
Note that there are no c.e. (or r.e.) hyperimmune-free degrees. If $C$ is a c.e. set, it is computable from any function which outgrows its modulus, which in turn is computable from $C$.
EDIT: Actually, this is true for all $\Delta^0_2$ degrees, i.e. all degrees below $0'$, by the same argument: by the limit lemma, every $\Delta^0_2$ set is the limit of some computable function, and this provides the relevant notion of "modulus." So every degree $\le_T 0'$ is hyperimmune.
You may find section 5 of this paper by Soare, Dzhafarov, and Diamondstone to be interesting.
As with the case of high sets, the class of hyperimmune-free sets is meagre and has measure zero; see the computability menagerie,showKey=false,showHelp=false. Note that in comparison with Bjorn's answer, not every non-high set is hyperimmune-free (e.g., a low c.e. set); a non-high degree has the property that every function in it is escaped by some computable function, but only the hyperimmune-free degrees have every function dominated by some computable function.