Consider a category C with weak equivalences, e.g., a model category.
For the purposes of this question, let's say that a morphism f in C is an i-cofibration if any pushout (alias cobase change) along f is also a homotopy pushout.
This notion is closely related to that of h-cofibration (alias flat map, cosharp map, left proper map, W-cofibration, cofibrillation, weak cofibration, see the terminological discussion at n-Café). The latter is defined as a morphism f: A→B for which the induced cobase change functor f_*: A/C→B/C preserves weak equivalences.
If C is a left proper model category, then i-cofibrations coincide with h-cofibrations and contain cofibrations, see, for example, Lemma 1.2 and Proposition 1.5.(i,ii) in Batanin and Berger's “Homotopy theory for algebras over polynomial monads” (arXiv:1305.0086).
If C is not left proper, then i-cofibrations do not necessarily coincide with h-cofibrations.
Has the notion of i-cofibration been studied before? Does it have a name of its own? Any references on this matter will be appreciated.
Motivation for this question comes from a desire to study (homotopy) pushouts in model categories of algebras over operads, which are rarely left proper.