I have a tricky problem concerning a covariance matrix cholesky decomposition.
What I need is to obtain the cholesky decomposition of the estimated variance matrix of the set of samples stored in a matrix $P$, i.e.:
$$ \begin{align} Input: & & P \in R^{D \times n} & & (\text{$D$ ... sample dimensionality, $n$ - number of samples)} \\ Output: & & L \in R^{D \times 1} & & var(P) = LL' \end{align} $$
The tricky part is that in my problem $D$ is extremely large thus the covariance matrix $cov(P)$ does not fit into the memory. The neat thing is that the only output I need in the end is the cholesky decomposition $L$ vector.
I imagine that the solution to this problem could be a direct estimate of the $L$ vector without the need to compute the actual covariance matrix ... If yes could anybody please point me to a solution/reference?
Many thanks