Here are some nonconstructive estimates on the number of tries needed to find the exact answer, not just to get $90\%$ or more correct. See this paper by Erdős and Rényi for similar analysis of a related problem. This is also connected to the game Mastermind.
Consider guessing randomly $k$ times. What is the expected number of pairs of possibilities which are not distinguished from the answer? If we choose $k$ so that the expected number is less than $1$, this means there is some arrangement of guesses which distinguishes all pairs.
Let $B(r) = 5^r {100 \choose r}$ be the size of the sphere of radius $r$. There are $\frac{1}{2} 6^{100} B(r)$ pairs of distance $r$ from each other.
The probability $p(r)$ that a uniformly random guess has the same results for possibilities of distance $r \gt 0$ is at most $\frac{2}{3}$, with equality when $r=1$. In general it is the coefficient of $x^r$ in $(\frac{1}{6} + \frac{2}{3} x + \frac{1}{6} x^2)^r$.
After $k$ random tries, the expected number of pairs which are not distinguished is $\sum_r \frac{1}{2}6^{100} B(r) p(r)^k.$ When $k=456$, the expected number of pairs is $0.82$ so there is some configuration of $456$ guesses so that the exact answer can be determined from the results.
We can do better. Most of the guesses were required because of the case $r=1$. The chance to get the same score for pairs which differ by $1$ is $\frac{2}{3}$, but for every other distance the chance to get the same score is at most $\frac{1}{2}$. While there are relatively few pairs of distance $1$, there are still a lot in absolute terms. These pairs are not necessarily essentially different. If AAAA... is not distinguished from BAAA..., this means that all of the guesses did not have an A or B in the first coordinate. Then we also can't distinguish ACCC... from BCCC..., or any of $6^{99}$ pairs. We can get better estimates by grouping these possibilities into one essential pair $(A???...?,B???...?)$. The number of essential pairs which disagree in $r$ locations is $\frac{1}{2}{100\choose r}(6\times 5)^r$. We need to choose $k$ large enough so that $\sum_r \frac{1}{2} {100 \choose r} 30^r p(r)^k \lt 1$. This first happens at $k=130$, where the sum is $0.20$. So, some choice of $130$ tries will distinguish each pair of possibilities (and in fact, $80\%$ of random choices will work).
Figuring out which answer is consistent with a collection of guesses and scores might be hard. Some variants of this problem in Mastermind are known to be NP-complete.