Assume that ${\mathbf H}$ is a $N \times M$ matrix. The following parameter is called orthogonality deficiency and describes how much orthogonal the columns of ${\mathbf H}$ are. $$ od({\mathbf H}) = 1 - \frac{\det({{\mathbf H}^H{\mathbf H})}}{\Pi_{n=1}^M\|{{\mathbf h}_n}\|^2}$$ where ${\mathbf h}_n$ is the $n$th column of matrix ${\mathbf H}$. It can be seen that $0\leq od({\mathbf H})\leq 1$. If ${\mathbf H}$ is singular then $od({\mathbf H})=1$ and when $od({\mathbf H})=0$ the colums of mathrix ${\mathbf H}$ are orthogonal. This is, indeed a very useful criterion for matrix orthogonality and has many applications in communications engineering and signal processing.
My question:
When the matrix ${\mathbf H}$ has the form ${\mathbf H}={\mathbf A}+e{\mathbf B}$, where $e$ is a scalar, how can we approximate $od({\mathbf H})$ when $e \ll 1$ and what is the approximation of $od({\mathbf H})$ when $e \ll 1$ (Probably using Taylor expansion)?