Let $\phi: \mathcal{X}\rightarrow B$ be a family of complex manifolds i.e. $\phi$ is a proper submersive holomorphic morphism, i write $X_b$ for the fiber of $b\in B$.
Suppose $dim_{\mathbb{C}}X_b=2$ and $X_b$ is kahler. Suppose that $R^2\phi_*\mathbb{Z}$ is a local system, then i can consider the monodromy action
$\pi_1(B,b)\rightarrow Aut(H^2(X_b,\mathbb{Z}))$
I have read that the monodromy action actually is a subgroup of $O(H^2(X_0,\mathbb{Z}))$ i.e. it preserves the intersection pairing. Why is that?